Sometimes convincing a child to do the right thing can be difficult. Learning is one of those things. Your child’s future, his personality, environment, outlook, horizons, and character depend on his success in it.

About how to form the right habits to study, instill a desire and desire to receive new knowledge and improve in them to your child, read the following list, where the psychologist’s advice is intertwined with common techniques and methods to accustom children to learning. Here, among other things, it talks about dra reading levels.

1. Rewards. Develop your own unique system of rewards for your child’s work, based on his or her interests (they should be respected) and benefits specifically for him or her. For example, if your child loves to draw, why not motivate him to do so? Or maybe he’s into lego? Note that both of these examples vividly demonstrate his predisposition to a certain kind of art. If he likes to draw, he might be a pretty good artist, or if he likes to assemble legos, he might be a great engineer. Such hobbies, especially at an early age, tell of subconscious skills, they need to be developed.

2. Learn exactly what he is learning, not his grades. Instead of once again pointing out his bad or good grades, ask him exactly what he is learning and ask him to teach it to you. Correct him if he gets it wrong somewhere, his attempt to teach you this knowledge will be a good way for him to consolidate what he has learned, which will help him use that knowledge more effectively in school.

Stay on his good side. This will help you: Your relationship should be one of respect and understanding for one another, it should be based on mutual trust. Emotions such as disappointment in his studies and aggression in his direction will once again make him psychologically “challenge” you. He will either start to learn because of fear, or vice versa will stop doing the necessary work altogether. The child should want and understand the meaning of learning, and you have to be his assistant, not his enemy.

4. Work together. For example, if you have work that needs to be done at home, have your child do their work (homework) with you. Having you in front of your child doing your work while they do theirs will help them set the right example and create the right atmosphere. Working together will help to build a rapport with your child.

5. Talk to the teachers. If your child doesn’t understand something, talk to the teacher. Talking to the teacher can help you develop the right teaching strategies and help you learn about your child’s weaknesses in the subject. Being aware of these issues will greatly improve the effectiveness of your child’s learning. Participate in this process.

6. Create a supportive environment for learning. During homework, there should be no distractions in the form of TV and unnecessary sources of noise. The child should concentrate on learning and be fully immersed in it.

Pencils should be sharpened and pens should be on the table, otherwise he will waste time looking for these items.
Minimize clutter on his study table and provide optimal lighting.
The chair should be comfortable.
7. Help him with his choice of workstation. Take your child with you to the store to select the necessary furniture, let him choose the desk and chair himself. Also ask about the best way for him to set up his workspace, within reason. This is a good way to get him involved in learning rather than being challenged.

8. Let him concentrate. See if he likes to study in his room or if maybe he likes to do everything better on the couch in the living room. Once you’ve noticed this, make arrangements with other family members not to interfere with him while he’s learning. Constant interruptions will get in his way and drain his interest in learning, preventing him from concentrating in the right way.

9. Incorporate lessons into daily life. Take time to form the habit of discussing the passed material, how exactly he understood the subject. Make it a habit for him as well as for you.

10. Stop giving long admonitions. Threatening, nerdy admonitions and manipulation have no place when it comes to effective parenting. Such a method will not be helpful. Be specific, give clear directions and short instructions. Refrain from unnecessary punishment.

11. Praise. If your child did well on a test or got good grades. Buy him ice cream or take him to the movies, for example. He needs to understand that you appreciate his work, it will motivate him to study.

12. Purpose. Help your child understand his goals and what does an abacus look like. Make a plan, add dates to it, and break it down into micro goals. As he achieves each one, the child will feel that he is gradually improving and achieving certain results. Explain to him that this will help him achieve good results not only in school, but also in life. Make a plan and break it down into micro goals.

13. Instill the habit of reading. Most kids can’t focus on their studies because they don’t like reading. Give him comic books and a book about his idol or his interests. This is the best way to get him accustomed to reading in the elementary grades.

14. Be firm. Yes, manipulating your child doesn’t have any positive results, but firmness and discipline are important, and necessary in any setting. For one negative interaction with your child, create ten positive ones. This way you will strengthen his motivation.

15. Use the “when you do” rule. Instead of threatening and blackmailing with statements such as “Do it, or…,” use statements such as “When you do your homework, we can go to the playground or play ball. Do the deed, walk bravely; this should be a cardinal rule of life with children until they grow up.

16. Help keep them interested. If your child finds a certain subject boring, figure out a way to increase their interest in learning. You can find an interactive course on the Internet, interesting videos, or a game that lays out all the material in a way that interests him. Look for movies that motivate him to study.

17. Tell a story. One way to motivate a student to learn is to tell a story that is properly told and that lays out the ultimate moral. This could be a fairy tale or a story from your life. It’s important that your child understands that you can’t give up on learning, or it could end badly.

18. Say No to Gifts of Pros. Reject the promise to give your child a gift for an A in a subject. You may ask, where is the logical connection here? Very simply, a gift bought for one “A” is simply a “temporary invitation to participate” in the learning process. Your child should get good grades all the time, that’s what should motivate him.

19. When your child is learning lessons, be there for him or her. For example, if the whole family went to the cinema, and the child, because of his bad grades, stayed at home to learn all the material by himself, refuse to go to the cinema. The child should feel part of the family group, under any circumstances.

In conclusion, I would like to add the most basic rule. You can not make the child’s neural connections in the brain so that study in his understanding is associated with stress. Encourage your child to do all the tasks gradually, develop trust in you, let him know that you are always at his side in all circumstances, do not overburden him. Your love and support is crucial to the most important way to motivate him to learn.