Many parents wonder how to motivate a child to learn and where to get an incentive to learn the touch math numbers printable.

Types of motivation
Experts divide motivation into intrinsic and extrinsic. Internal motivation is much stronger and more effective than coming from outside. One thing is when mom and dad make you do your homework, and another thing is when you do it yourself, because you are burning with the subject, and you know how it will come in handy in the future.

Psychologists and educators distinguish several types of motivation. If you understand them, it will be easier to understand what motivates a child during learning.

Motivating children to learn
Here are the most popular motivations for increasing motivation to learn:

The desire to be erudite and educated,
the desire to expand their social circle along with their horizons,
the desire to discover their talents and build a career,
the “need” to learn (schoolboy status).

How to increase the child’s motivation to learn
Tutors at Foxford Externship and Home School often work with students who do not like school, so our experts know how to motivate a child to learn. Instead of scolding your son or daughter for not wanting to learn, you can resort to more gentle and effective ways.

The task of tutors is to explore the child’s interests and create a comfortable environment for their development. Thanks to the work with the tutor, children start to study independently and realize the value of education, which is a significant incentive to study.

Here is what tutors recommend to increase intrinsic learning motivation of children:

1. Find a good teacher.

A qualified and charismatic teacher is half the battle and a great motivator. If the teacher knows how to present his or her subject and make it interesting, children will be eager to learn. Support your child, for example, by saying are you a math magician addition.

2. Consider your child’s learning style

Some children find it much easier to absorb information by ear, while others will get bored in a lecture and count crows. Some will enjoy a documentary, while others will prefer to read the information in a book. A child’s motivation to learn is enhanced if the assimilation of information occurs in a comfortable way. Pay attention to what learning style your son or daughter prefers.

3. Lead by example

Children copy adults in everything they do. If parents continuously read books, continue learning throughout life, are interested in culture and give time to their hobbies – the child will also strive for knowledge. There is no point in thinking about how to motivate your daughter or son to learn if all their free time is spent on the phone or watching talk shows on TV.

4. Don’t push because of grades

School marks are not a measure of knowledge. Make it clear that you are interested in real knowledge, not numbers in an electronic diary. Show them how to put their learning into practice. If your child is upset by bad grades, be supportive and explain that you’re on his side no matter what he gets. This is a good way to motivate your child to learn.

There are different ways to increase motivation to study if your child doesn’t like studying. Intrinsic motivation, i.e. sincere interest and desire, is more effective than external, when the pupil learns “from under the stick”. It is recommended to match the teachers and learning style to the individual needs of the child. Do not forget to lead by example and remember that grades are not the main thing.