This memo will help you carefully and gently master simple yoga asanas for beginners.
Gradual increase in load. You can start with short soft practices for 10-15 minutes and gradually increase the duration and intensity of training.

Care and attention to the body. In the classroom, slight discomfort is acceptable, but pain is unacceptable – it signals that you have gone too far, and it is worth taking a step back for your own safety.

Recovery practices. In addition to physical activity, we also recommend paying attention to restorative techniques – Shavasana, meditation, Yoga Nidra. They will save the body from possible overstrain and make classes even more enjoyable.

Attention to the nervous system. Yoga directly affects the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the nervous system, and for each it has its own ways of activation. For example, deep backbends evoke strength, while bends soothe. Therefore, when choosing asanas, it is important to take into account their impact and not include asanas in the evening classes, after which it will be difficult to fall asleep – for example, Surya Namaskar should be abandoned before going to bed.

In a month or two, you will be able to understand how yoga specifically affects you, learn to listen to the needs of the body and choose what makes you stronger, more resilient and happier.