The poetic phrase that a person’s talent is at their fingertips is not really a metaphor. Indeed, the cerebral hemispheres are closely connected with the nerve endings in the hands and fingers. The development of the brain occurs, among other things, under the influence of kinetic impulses from the hands and, so a child with a high level of development of fine motor skills is able to reason logically, his memory, attention, and coherent speech develop faster.

Game techniques for the development of hand movements also contribute to the formation of accuracy, concentration, and perseverance.

Game moments are especially good for the presence of a certain intrigue that captivates the child during the task.

For example:

draw the second half of the object, circle the objects point by point, starting from the point, without lifting your hand;
perform actions (4 cells up, 4 cells to the right, 2 cells down, 4 cells to the left) to get drawings – and determine what happened in the end;
color only those geometric figures drawn next to the object, of which this object consists; draw geometric shapes that objects look like;
make all items the same by completing the missing details; continue the row, drawing in the cells, having previously caught the regularity of the arrangement of the figures.

Riddles and always attract, and the brain starts to work even faster. Intelligence develops both indirectly and directly. Meaningful memorization and reproduction of motor actions, the ability to independently make a decision are provided.

With the help of games for the development of hand movements, one can develop both spatial imagination, and orientation in space, and vocabulary, giving the child the task of drawing objects in certain places on the sheet: in the center, in the upper left corner, in the lower right corner, between, etc. It turns out literally: the development of man is in his hands! Only a small person must be helped by big ones, parents and teachers.