If you ask a person if he meditates and https://www.julianalucky.com/post/mommy-and-me-yoga-benefits, then for sure the moment will be awkward: will they think that I am in a sect, I perform rituals with candles, incense sticks and other esoteric to “raise vibrations”. Therefore, many meditation applications try to disown as much as possible everything that has at least a hint of esotericism and “overdry” meditation too much.

Artistic descriptions of the effects of meditation are quite logical:

“In meditation you can feel levitation” sounds fantastic. But if you sit for 30-40 minutes, then the body will really become numb, and nothing below the neck will be felt. It’s an unusual feeling – no wonder it’s been so colorfully described.

“In meditation you can observe the aura” – try to look at one point for a very long time without taking your eyes off. Gradually, the boundaries of bright and non-bright objects will “imprint” on the retina and create an aura effect.

“In meditation you can see special effects” – if you hold the brain for a long time and confidently on an object with your eyes closed, then in a magical way it will begin to draw circles and spots on its own, apparently from hopelessness.

Young girl meditating in the park

Unfortunately, if you thoughtlessly cut out ALL esotericism, then mantras in Sanskrit and mandalas will go under the knife, which could be replaced with mantras in Russian and a boring point for meditation. In this case, not only part of the essence will be lost, but also the charm of the process.

Esotericism in some cases protects the hidden meaning, in others it advertises superpowers. Somewhere it does not exist at all, somewhere it is “terry”. But definitely a lot of time and effort has been spent on creating meditation tools. Therefore, treat esotericism calmly and judiciously: take what works for you personally.

If a tool works for you, then use it regardless of what others think.