According to the philosophy of yoga, the whole world is an illusion, and every person needs to discover and realize this, to be convinced of this on their own experience – this is called “Awakening”. Naturally, pumping muscles or even achieving longevity in the world of dreams – the yogis of antiquity did not seem desirable. But peace of mind (“Chitta Vritti Nirodha” in the words of the classic of yoga, Rishi Patanjali), and complete liberation from desires (“There is no Freedom without freedom from desires,” says the treatise “Yoga Vasistha” by Rishi Valmiki). The absence of desires that disturb the soul, or their complete control over the will – that was the goal of yoga for them. But even today, when we cannot imagine life without satisfying our momentary desires and whims, mind control will come in handy. At least even in order to fully enjoy this magnificent Illusion – “reality”.

How can you calm your mind? There are many methods in the arsenal of yoga! I will cite a few of them. Many are described in detail in the Hanuman blog (link – either an article or a video demonstration of the technique).

Classic Yoga Meditations:

“Meditation without Concentration” (Ajapa-Japa)

Pulse Meditation (Pulse Japa)

Meditation on the Tip of the Nose (Agochari Mudra)

Meditation “Purification of the Mind” (Anuloma Viloma Pranayama with Prana Shuddhi)

Japa technique: mantra yoga

“Gesture of Consciousness” (Chin Mudra)

“Yoga of Inner Sound” (Nada Yoga Meditation)

Concentration of attention on a point in the body (Drishti)

“Stone immobility of the body” (Kaya-sthairam)

Eye Concentration (Shambhavi Mudra)

Breathing practices:

Breathing through both nostrils (Samaveta Pranayama)

lower yogic breathing

Alternate breathing (Anuloma-Viloma pranayama)

Full yoga breath

Counting Meditation (Ajapa Japa)

Fourth Breath (Chaturtha Pranayama)

Holding the breath while inhaling (Antar-Kumbhaka)

Unusual Meditations:

Emptiness Gesture Meditation (Bhuchari Mudra)

Buddhist “Peace Meditation”

Watching the breath